Hamilton County, Iowa Barn Quilts List
– Feb 2, 2025
Number County Name Owner Verif GPS Description
IA-40-01 Hamilton Untitled Nick & Lori Larson 07-2012 N42 14.760 W93 36.184 N. of Randall, Ellsworth Township. Tollman Av. N. 0.5 miles from jct with Long St. in Randall, W. on 375th St. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 2885.
IA-40-02   Untitled Oliver & Leota Berg 07-2012 N42 16.789 W93 38.449 S. of Jewell, Ellsworth Township. UA69 S. 1.9 miles from jct with Edwards St. in Jewell to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3515.
IA-40-03   Sunflower Tilford Tieg 07-2012 N42 16.892 W93 44.333 ESE of Stanhope, Clear Lake Township. IA175 (350th St.) E. 2.9 miles from jct with IA17 S. of Stanhope to the quilt on the S. side of the road.
IA-40-04   Pinwheel Ron & Kim Shoemaker 07-2012 N42 18.171 W93 43.999 W. of Jewell, Hamilton Township. Lyon (becomes 330th) St. W. 4.5 miles from jct with 2nd St. in Jewel, S. on Rosedale Dr. 0.5 miles to the quilt to the SW at 3343.
IA-40-05   Eight Pointed Star Ron & Kim Shoemaker 07-2012 N42 18.176 W93 43.997 Same as IA-40-04.
IA-40-06   Lemoyne Star Duane & Norma Engelby 07-2012 N42 15.845 W93 47.814 S. of Stanhope, Clear Lake Township. IA17 (Parker St. – becomes Briggs Woods Rd.) S. 1.7 miles from jct with Main St. in Stanhope to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3621.
IA-40-07   Mosaic Lynn & Billie Shelton 07-2012 N42 16.086 W93 48.663 SSW of Stanhope, Clear Lake Township. IA17 (Parker St. – becomes Briggs Woods Rd.) S. 1.5 miles from jct with Main St. in Stanhope, W. on 360th St. 0.7 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1821.
IA-40-08   Pinwheel Lynn & Billie Shelton 07-2012 N42 16.084 W93 48.662 Same as IA-40-07.
IA-40-09   Friendship Star Lynn & Billie Shelton 07-2012 N42 16.084 W93 48.652 Same as IA-40-07.
IA-40-10   Antique Charlene McKee 07-2012 N42 23.475 W93 47.845 W. of Kamrar, Independence Township. 280th St. W. 3.6 miles from jct with Oak St. S. of Kamrar, N. on Briggs Woods Rd. 0.25 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2749.
IA-40-11   Carpenters Wheel Richard & Karen Mason 07-2012 N42 23.816 W93 50.073 S. of Webster City, Freedom Township. Beach St. (becomes Tunnel Mill Rd.) S. 5.0 miles from jct with 2nd St. in Webster City to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2704.
IA-40-12   Harvest Star Dave & Cheryl Entriken 07-2012 N42 24.395 W93 49.845 S. of Webster City, Freedom Township. Beach St. (becomes Tunnel Mill Rd.) S. 4.4 miles from jct with 2nd St. in Webster City to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2640.
IA-40-13   Untitled Marv & Dorothy Midland 07-2012 N42 27.125 W93 49.254 In Webster City. Fair Meadow Dr. W. 0.2 miles from jct with Superior St., S. on Des Moines St. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2314.
IA-40-14   Double Windmill Craig & Kristi Schrad 07-2012 N42 27.933 W93 49.800 In Webster City. On the S. side of Water St. ½ block W. of Grove St. at 1024.
IA-40-15   Untitled Troy Dorothy 07-2012 N42 27.936 W93 50.036 In Webster City. On the S. side of Water St. ¼ block W. of Wood St. at 1205.
IA-40-16   Untitled Wayne & Connie Wahlert 07-2012 N42 27.936 W93 50.031 In Webster City. On the S. side of Water St. ¼ block W. of Wood St. at 1205.
IA-40-17   Mountain Variation Troy Dorothy 07-2012 N42 28.013 W93 48.192 In Webster City. High St. S. 0.15 miles from jct with 2nd St. to the quilt ahead at 600.
IA-40-18   Windmill Jim & Patty Walker 07-2012 N42 28.317 W93 43.084 E. of Webster City, Blairsburg Township. 2nd St. (becomes 220th St.) E. 5.0 miles from jct with Superior St. in Webster City to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 2281.
IA-40-19   Dancing Tulips Geri Ackerman 07-2012 N42 28.721 W93 38.749 In Blairsburg. 3rd St. E. 150’ from jct with Kellog Av. to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 5145.
IA-40-20   Farmers Daughter Viora Welsh 07-2012 N42 28.643 W93 38.609 In Blairsburg. Lake St. S. 200’ from jct with 3rd St. to the mural at 704 on the S. side of the barn.
IA-40-21   Four Flags Ron & Carol Zills 07-2012 N42 29.217 W93 53.214 WNW of Webster City, Fremont Township. Macinlay Kantor Dr. N. 1.0 miles from jct with IA17 (James St.) on the W. side of Webster Cityh, W. on 210th St. 1.7 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1433.
IA-40-22   Wedding Day Steve & Lynn Burroughs 07-2012 N42 24.642 W93 54.163 SW of Webster City, Freedom Township. US20 W. 4.2 miles from jct with IA17 (Superior St.) on the S. side of Webster City, S. on Stagecoach Rd. 2.5 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2612.
IA-40-23   Dahla Horse Stacy & Becky Young 07-2012 N42 18.673 W93 51.554 NW of Stanhope, Webster Township. Parker St. (becomes Briggs Woods Rd.) N. 1.5 miles from jct with Main St. in Stanhope, W. on 330th St. 3.2 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1571.
IA-40-24   Summer Star Flower Dick & Lori Westrum 07-2012 N42 16.086 W93 54.164 E. of Stratford, Marion Township. IA175 (360th St.) E. 1.0 miles from jct with Teneyck Av. on the SE side of Stratford to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1355.
IA-40-25   Untitled David & Connie Kramme 07-2012 N42 16.146 W93 55.577 In Stratford. Commercial St. E. 200’ from jct with Shakespeare Av. to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 908.
IA-40-26   Morning Sun Tim & Deb Bergma 07-2012 N42 15.397 W93 55.386 S. of Stratford, Marion Township. Teneyck Av. S. 0.75 miles from jct with IA175 on the SE side of Stratford to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3671.
IA-40-27   Turkey in the Straw Tim & Deb Bergma 07-2012 N42 15.397 W93 55.386 Same as IA-40-25.
IA-40-28   Swedish Rooster Wayne & Carol Larson 07-2012 N42 15.209 W93 58.072 SW of Stratford, Hardin Township. IA175 W. 3.1 miles from jct with Teneyck Av. on the SE side of Stratford to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3219.
IA-40-29   Hovering Hawks Steve & Jan Carlson 07-2012 N42 13.480 W93 52.572 SE of Stratford, Marion Township. IA175 (360th St.) E. 2.5 miles from jct with Teneyck Av. on the SE side of Stratford, S. on Fenton Av. 3.0 miles, W. on 390th St. 0.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 1495.
IA-40-30   American Flag Randy & Kristi Hetland 07-2012 N42 14.612 W93 32.556 E. of Randall, Scott Township. Long St. E. 1.5 miles from jct with I35 exit 128 E. of Randall, N. on Wilson Av. 0.35 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3761.
IA-40-31   Patriotic Bob & Leah Maass 07-2012 N42 16.715 W93 34.944 S. of Ellsworth, Ellsworth Township. Delphi St. (becomes Ubben Av.) S. 2.2 miles from jct with IA175 (330th St.) in Ellsworth to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3525.
IA-40-32   V Konni Van Langen 07-2012 N42 17.454 W93 36.257 SW of Ellsworth, Ellsworth Township. IA175 (330th St.) W. 1.0 miles from jct with Delphi St. on the SW side of Ellsworth, S. on Tollman Av. 1.4 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3435.
IA-40-33   Churn Dash Harriet Erickson 07-2012 N42 17.709 W93 38.455 S. of Jewell, Ellsworth township. US69 S. 0.75 miles from jct with IA175 (Edwards St.) in Jewell, W. on 340th St. 250’ to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2698.
IA-40-34   Iowa Hawkeye Duane & Carol Soma 07-2012 N42 18.597 W93 39.529 W. of Jewell, Lyon Township. Edwards St. W. 0.25 miles from jct with US69 in Jewell, N. on Division St. 0.2 miles, W. on Lyon St. 0.7 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2602.
IA-40-35   Untitled Duane & Carol Soma 07-2012 N42 18.583 W93 39.549 Same as IA-40-34.
IA-40-36   Ohio Star Bill & Sherri Sargeant 07-2012 N42 18.704 W93 38.382 In Jewell. US 69 N. 0.3 miles from jct with Edwards St. to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1012.
IA-40-37   Shimmering Sea Bob & Ellen Hagen 07-2012 N42 19.537 W93 37.211 NE of Jewell, Lyon Township. IA175 (Edwards St. – becomes 330th St.) E. 1.0 miles from jct with US69 in Jewell, N. on Saratoga Av. 1.1 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 3190.
IA-40-38   5440 Or Flight Alvin & Elaine Langen 07-2012 N42 20.675 W93 38.349 N. of Jewell, Lyon Township. US 69 N. 2.6 miles from jct with Edwards St. to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 3066.
IA-40-39   Dutchmans Puzzle Larry & Claudette Taylor 07-2012 N42 19.590 W93 31.355 NE of Ellsworth, Lincoln Township. IA175 (330th St.) E. 2.5 miles from jct with I35 exit 133 E. of Ellsworth, N. on Xircus Av. 1.1 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 3185.
IA-40-40   Lemoyne Star Craig & Shirley Hill 07-2012 N42 18.586 W93 31.388 E. of Ellsworth, Lincoln Townshi. IA175 (330th St.) E. 2.4 miles from jct with I35 exit 133 E. of Ellsworth to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 3290.
IA-40-41   Seesaw Block Raymond & Lois Danielson 07-2012 N42 21.290 W93 34.100 N. of Ellsworth, Lincoln Township. Delphi St. (becomes Ubben Av.) 3.0 miles from jct with IA175 (330th St.) in Ellsworth, E. on 300th St. 0.65 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3069.
IA-40-42   Untitled Gary & Nicole Chamness 07-2012 N42 27.706 W93 38.323 S. of Blairsburg, Liberty Township. US69 S. 1.2 miles from jct with 212th/Royal St. SE of Blairsburg to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2260.
IA-40-43   Honor Charlie Mark & Nancy Hild 07-2012 N42 27.508 W93 43.044 SW of Blairsburg, Liberty Township. US69 S. 0.5 miles from jct with 212th/Royal St. SE of Blairsburg, W. on 220th St. 4.0 miles, S. on Neely Av. 0.85 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 22.
IA-40-44   Windmill Mark & Nancy Hild 07-2012 N42 27.523 W93 43.043 Same as IA-40-43.
IA-40-45   Log Cabin Mark & Nancy Hild 07-2012 N42 27.528 W93 43.043 Same as IA-40-43.
IA-40-46   Eight-Pointed Star Mark & Nancy Hild 07-2012 N42 26.807 W93 43.196 SE of Webster City, Independence Township. US20 E. 4.9 miles from jct with IA17 (Superior St.) S. of Webster City to the quilt on the S. side of the road.
IA-40-47   Untitled Brad & Shelly Anderson 07-2012 N42 28.233 W93 36.137 SE of Blairsburg, Liberty Township. US69 S. 0.5 miles from jct with 212th/Royal St. SE of Blairsburg, E. on 220th St. 1.7 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2888.
IA-40-48   Untitled Marlin & Cathy Pruismann 07-2012 N42 29.116 W93 38.504 In Blairsburg. Lake St. N. 0.3 miles from jct with 2nd St., E. on Pine St. 1 block, N. on Main St. 1 block to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 107.
IA-40-49   Card Trick Keith Reeves 07-2012 N42 30.894 W93 37.506 N. of Blairsburg, Blairsburg Township. US69 N. 2.0 miles from jct with 210th St. on the NE side of Blairsburg, E. on 190th St. 0.6 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 2761.
IA-40-50   Untitled Jim Stafford 07-2012 N42 30.859 W93 37.460 N. of Blairsburg, Blairsburg Township. US69 N. 2.0 miles from jct with 210th St. on the NE side of Blairsburg, E. on 190th St. 0.6 miles to the quilt on the S. side of the road at 2762.
IA-40-51   Blazing Star Wes & Cindy Sweedler 07-2012 N42 30.968 W93 32.856 N. of Williams, Williams Township. Vail Av. N. 2.1 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 1896.
IA-40-52   Untitled Donald Williams 07-2012 N42 30.910 W93 30.388 NE of Williams, Williams Township. Vail Av. N. 2.0 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams, E. on 190th St. 2.1 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3365.
IA-40-53   Pine Tree & Canoe Anne & Alan Sherve-Ose 07-2012 N42 27.994 W93 32.366 S. of Williams, Rose Grove Township. Vail Av. S. 1.0 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams, E. on 220th St. 0.45 miles, S. on Wilson Av. 0.3 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2230.
IA-40-54   North Star Mike & Pat Ratske 07-2012 N42 26.783 W93 33.198 S. of Williams, Rose Grove Township. Vail Av. S. 1.0 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams, W. on 220th St. 0.5 miles, S. on Vail Av. 2.1 miles, E. on 240th St. 0.3 miles to the quilt on the N. side of the road at 3131 up a driveway 0.3 miles.
IA-40-55   Untitled Roger & Deb Nerland 07-2012 N42 26.082 W93 31.197 S. of Williams, Rose Grove Township. Vail Av. S. 1.0 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams, E. on 220th St. 1.4 miles, S. on Xircus Av. 2.5 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2442.
IA-40-56   Untitled Wayne & Connie Wahlert 07-2012 N42 27.064 W93 28.870 SE of Williams, Rose Grove Township. Vail Av. S. 1.0 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams, E. on 220th St. 3.4 miles, S. on Ziegler Av. 1.4 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2230.
IA-40-57   I-Hawk Merle Hamilton 07-2012 N42 27.084 W93 31.243 SE of Williams, Rose Grove Township. Vail Av. S. 1.0 miles from jct with 4th/210th St. in Williams, E. on 220th St. 1.4 miles, S. on Xircus Av. 1.35 miles to the quilt on the E. side of the road at 2442.
IA-40-58   God’s Eye Pat & Sally Kirk 11-2022 N42 29.409 W93 55.978 WNW of Webster City, Fremont Township. 220th St. W. 4.0 miles from jct with Mackinlay Kantor Dr. on the W. side of Webster City, N. on Chase Av. 1.25 miles to the quilt on the W. side of the road at 2073.